A$AP Mob | “Lords Never Worry”

Clayborne Bujorian | “True Colors Bleed Through Regardless”

As anticipation and patience rose and decreased during the weekend before the proclaimed A$AP Mob released their project entitled Lords Never Worry . Isn’t Long.Live.A$AP releasing in October ? Yes . Though Long.Live.A$AP is releasing very shortly also , the Mob keeps their posture as they crash Live Mixtapes quickly after presenting us the masterpiece .

Collectives have been relevant recently . Luckily , A$AP Mob acquires an abundance of diversity to the point we’re unable to disregard their work . Raise your expectations . Though this is the only project by the entire Mob , there will always be the time in the day to create more . Responses from strong supporters and fans will help realize the collective their time has yet to come .

Art Direction By Matthew Williams .

Download their anticipated project here .

Jay West | “Abstract Messiah”

According to the pictures , Jay West‘s anticipated exhibition entitled End of an Error was a success . With family and friends supporting him from the start , his imagery was slowly coming to life . Soon after Jay and four other artists we’re proclaimed winners , their artwork was then displayed on W.125th St.

His artwork displayed on W.125th St. was a shock . Though he never imagined walking up and down Harlem’s well-known street to find his artwork displayed , his competitive mindset helped him surpass his imagination .

Jay’s Earth-like piece is interesting because it could contain multiple meanings . Unfortunately for us , we may never know . Once you look past the artwork , the time and effort contributed to following his passion appears .

“I feel that my surroundings really influence my work as well . You’re always a product of your environment . It’s like , if you see gloomy skies and crackheads and gang violence . I could easily been sucked into that , but I took that , that backdrop , and made it like an influence . I made that and took it all and put it into an image or characters of my own  . “ Justin West

In the studio


it has begun

in the studio 2


starting blank

“Portrait of a Harlem Artist”

An in-depth look at A.S.A.P.’s resident Visual Artist, Justin West.


Responsible for the artwork behind ASAP Rocky’s videos such as Purple Swag, Peso, and Wassup, this Harlem giant has exhibited in numerous Galleries, from his hometown to his most recent showing in NY’s most prominent art scene, Chelsea. We take a look at his beginnings, struggles as an artist and the man’s thought process behind his work. Definitely an individual dedicated to his many passions, we present you “Portrait of a Harlem Artist, Justin West”

Directed by Christian San Jose & Phil Mao


Longly awaited, excellently filmed, and perfectly executed visual to The song wassup.

I’m sure many viewers will misunderstand the visuals, and Spark talks of Conspiracy; Definitely not

Just enjoy- A$AP


Back when Vado was ALMIGHTY